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《Clean Energy Science and Technology(CEST)》《中国塑料》《塑料工业》《粉末冶金材料与工程》等期刊青年编委



山东人,本硕博连读毕业于北京化工大学,于2018-2019年国家公派到加拿大多伦多大学访学。2020年以人才引进方式进入betway88必威东盟体育工作,现为必威BETWAY官网特聘副教授。近年来围绕“智能装备制造与强化传热技术”方向展开研究,先后承担国家和省部级等项目10余项,研究成果发表期刊论文50余篇,合作出版中英文著作4本,已申请国家发明专利40余项(授权27项),授权实用新型专利20余项。担任《Clean Energy Science and Technology(CEST)》《中国塑料》《塑料工业》《粉末冶金材料与工程》等行业权威期刊青年编委、《ACS Applied Nano Materials》《Energy Reports》《Scientific Reports》等期刊审稿人、全国橡胶塑料机械标准化技术委员会塑料机械分技术委员会委员、中国智慧工程研究会智能学习与创新研究工作委员会专家,获江苏省盐城市“黄海明珠人才计划”领军人才等。


2020.01-至今, betway88必威东盟体育(崂山),副教授




















1.Polymer 3D Printing and 3D Copying Technology[M]. USA: Springer, 2023.

2.Multi-field-synergy process for polymer plasticization, in: Gülşen Akın Evingür (Eds.),Thermosoftening Plastics, IntechOpen, 2019.

3.聚合物3D打印与3D复印技术[M].北京:化学工业出版社, 2018.

4.塑料精密注射成型原理及设备[M].北京:科学出版社, 2015.


1.A strategy of stretching melt to a thin layer: Self-controlled “stretching melt-pancakes” to enhance heat transfer and mixing during polymer extrusion[J].Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 6.465)

2.A strong, hydrophobic, transparent and biodegradable nano-lignocellulosic membrane from wheat straw by novel strategy[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 11.072)

3.Ductile behavior and heat transfer efficiency in polymer extrusion by self-controlled “flipping melt-pancakes” with multi-fields synergy [J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 5.584)

4.Lubrication mechanism of graphene nanoplates as oil additives for ceramics/steel sliding components[J].Ceramics International, 2021.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 5.532)

5.Enhancing a multi-field-synergy process for polymer composite plasticization: A novel design concept for screw to facilitate phase-to-phase thermal and molecular mobility [J].Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 6.465)

6.Ductile forming of polymers by inducing torsional flow to enhance heat transfer and mixing [J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 6.162)

7.Numerical analysis of enhanced heat transfer by incorporating torsion elements in the homogenizing section of polymer plasticization with the field synergy principle [J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017.(SCI,一区, TOP, IF: 5.584)

8.Formulation and Performance of NBR/CR-Based High-Damping Rubber Composites for Soundproof Using Orthogonal Test[J].Polymers, 2023.(SCI,二区, IF: 4.967)

9.Heat transfer and viscous polymer melting capacity correlation in self-controlled torsion induced extrusion[J].International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021.(SCI,二区, IF: 6.782)

10.Design and ductile behavior of torsion configurations in material extrusion to enhance plasticizing and melting [J].Polymers, 2021.(SCI,二区, IF: 4.967)

11.Enhancing Mixing and Thermal Management of Recycled Carbon Composite Systems by Torsion-Induced Phase-to-Phase Thermal and Molecular Mobility [J].Polymers, 2020.(SCI,二区, IF: 4.967)

12.Application of Biodegradable and Biocompatible Nanocomposites in Electronics: Current Status and Future Directions [J].Nanomaterials,2019.(SCI,二区, IF: 5.719)

13.Acoustic Absorption Properties of Polystyrene-Pyrolytic Pinus Resinosa Composite Foams Prepared by Torsion Induced Extrusion [J].Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2022.(SCI,二区, IF: 4.402)

14.NBR/CR-Based High-Damping Rubber Composites Containing Multiscale Structures for Tailoring Sound Insulation [J].Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2022.(SCI,二区, IF: 4.402)


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3.一种注射3D打印装置[P]. ZL2021103918104

4.一种具有增强骨架的异步3D打印方法及装置[P]. ZL2020106670411

5.一种超临界流体微发泡螺杆混合装置及方法[P]. ZL2020106670483

6.一种强化传热与混炼的竹节式返混螺杆[P]. ZL2020106671043

7.一种模外叠层制备木塑复合材料的装置及方法[P]. ZL201910184000.4

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12.一种薄膜双向拉伸方法及装置[P]. ZL201611004232X

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