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2019-03-27 14:23 点击数:

姓名:张国栋               职称:副教授(硕导)

系属:力学教研室            学历:博士

专业:油气田开发工程          联系电话:15853267837




2005.09 -2009.07,山东交通学院,材料成型及控制工程,学士;

2009.09 -2012.07,中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程,硕士;

2012.09 -2017.07,中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程,博士。

2016.01-2017.01,Colorado School of Mines,Visiting Fellow;

2017.09 -至今,betway88必威东盟体育,必威BETWAY官网,副教授。


(1) 地热高效开采新技术研究;

(2) 天然气水合物出砂机理、CO2封存、储氢技术研究;

(3) 多相流动数值模拟研究;

(4) 岩石水力致裂机理研究;


《Powder Technology》、《International Journal of Multiphase Flow》、《Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers》、《Geotechnique》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》等多个国内外学术期刊审稿人。





1. 国家自然科学基金,基于液膜非线性阻尼作用的裂缝网络内颗粒微观动力学行为研究(51804175),2019/01-2021/12,主持;

2. 山东省自然科学基金,超长重力热管在废弃油井中提取地热技术研究(ZR2018BEE005),2018/03-2020/12,主持;

3. betway88必威东盟体育机电学院青年创新团队建设基金,地质能源-零碳中国,2018/01-2020/12,主持;

4. betway88必威东盟体育科研启动基金,超长重力热管提取地热技术适应性研究,2017/09-2020/09,主持;

5. 中原油田科技攻关项目,致密砂岩裂缝扩展机理及动态携砂模拟实验,2015/10-2016/10,参与;

6. 大港油田科技攻关项目,同心双管水力喷射泵排砂采油优化设计及诊断系统软件开发,2014/06-2015/03,参与;

7. 新疆油田科技攻关项目,昌吉油田芦草沟组致密储层水平井压裂产能规律预测,2013/12-2015/12,参与;

8. 新疆油田科技攻关项目,昌吉油田芦草沟组致密储层水平井压裂裂缝扩展形态预测方法,2013/12-2015/12,参与;

9. 胜利油田科技攻关项目,东胜公司地面驱动螺杆泵井高效开采理论与方法研究,2013/03-2013/12,参与;

10. 中石化胜利油田科技攻关项目,空心闭式热载体循环井筒加降粘技术研究,2012/09-2012/12,参与。


1. 第九届石油学会青年学术年会优秀论文奖,石油学会,优秀论文一等奖,2015;

2. 复杂作用机制下的水平井压裂支撑剂运移规律研究,中国石油大学(华东),优秀博士学位论文,2017;

3. 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目公派留学基金获得者,国家留学基金委,2016。



[1]Zhang Guodong, Marte Gutierrez., Chao Kun. Hydrodynamic and mechanical behavior of multi-particle confined between two parallel plates. Advanced Powder Technology. 30(2019): 439-450.

[2]Zhang Guodong, Chao Kun. Downward flow of proppant slurry through curving pipes during horizontal well fracturing. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles. 73(2018).

[3]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Marte Gutierrez. Simulation on the transport and placement of multi-sized proppant in hydraulic fractures using a coupled CFD-DEM approach. Advanced Powder Technology. 28(2017): 1704-1718.

[4]Zhang Guodong, Marte Gutierrez., Li Mingzhong. A coupled CFD-DEM approach to model particle-fluid mixture transport between two parallel plates to improve understanding of proppant micromechanics in hydraulic fractures. Powder Technology. 308(2017): 235-248.

[5]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Marte Gutierrez. Numerical simulation of proppant distribution in hydraulic fractures in horizontal wells. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 48(2017): 157-168.

[6]Zhang Guodong, Marte Gutierrez, Li Mingzhong. Numerical simulation of transport and placement of multi-sized proppants in a hydraulic fracture in a vertical well. Granular Matter. 19(2017): 1-15.

[7]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Guo Tiankui, et al. Characterization of proppant effective settlement diameter falling in non-Newtonian fracturing fluids. Advanced Powder Technology. 27(2016): 486-495.

[8]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Geng Kaili, et al. New integrated model of the settling velocity of proppants falling in viscoelastic slick-water fracturing fluids. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 33(2016): 518-526.

[9]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Xue Jianquan, et al. Wall-retardation effects on particles settling through non-Newtonian fluids in parallel plates. Chemical Papers. 70(2016): 1389-1398.

[10]Zhang Guodong, Li Mingzhong, Li Jibin, et al. Wall Effects on Spheres Settling Through Non-Newtonian Fluid Media in Cylindrical Tubes. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 36(2015): 1199-1207.

[11] Liu Chenwei, Li Mingzhong,Zhang Guodong. Direct measurements of the interactions between clathrate hydrate particles and water droplets. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17(2015): 20021-20029.

[12]张国栋,李明忠,李敏慧,等.支撑剂粒径表征及其在滑溜水压裂液中沉降速度研究[C].第九届石油学会青年学术年会, 2015.

[13]刘卫东,张国栋,白志峰,等.致密油藏水平井多级压裂储层改造体积评价[J].新疆石油地质, 2015, 36(2): 199-202.

[14] Li Mingzhong,Zhang Guodong, Xue Jianquan, et al. Prediction of the Wall Factor of Arbitrary Particle Settling through Various Fluid Media in a Cylindrical Tube Using Artificial Intelligence. The Scientific World Journal. 2014.

[15]张国栋,李明忠,薛建泉,等.地面驱动螺杆泵井合理生产参数配置方法[J].排灌机械工程学报, 2013, 31(8): 645-650.

[16]薛建泉,张国栋,李敏慧,等.螺杆泵定子及泵内流体温度场分布规律研究[J].排灌机械工程学报, 2013, 31(2): 113-117.