2020.01–2020.04青岛国轩电池有限公司 企业实践锻炼
2019.07–2020.06 betway88必威东盟体育教务处 处长助理
2019.04–2019.05 台湾义守大学 访问学者
2017.02–2017.07 中南大学 访问学者
2012.09–至今 betway88必威东盟体育 教师
2009.09 — 2012.06中国科学院研究生院| 凝聚态物理| 博士
2007.09 — 2009.06中国科学院研究生院| 凝聚态物理| 碩士
2003.09 — 2007.06曲阜师范大学|物理学| 学士
l2020.01—2023.12 锂硫电池正极二维碳氮基宿主材料电子结构调控| 国家自然科学基金委 | 项目负责人
l2019.01—2022.01 新型水性納米陶瓷涂料的研发| 青岛市科技局| 项目负责人
l2016.01—2018.12 二维光催化剂g-C3N4的机械剥离制备及其光催化改性研究| 国家自然科学基金委| 项目负责人
l2013.10—2015.10 基于石墨烯的光催化复合材料制备及其性能研究| 山东省科技厅| 项目负责人
lDongsheng Li,Kaixing Zhu*,et al,Synthesis of porous N deficient graphitic carbon nitride and utilization in lithium-sulfur battery,Applied Surface ScienceVol 569 (2021)151058-151065
lLiping Zhang,Kaixing Zhu*,et al,Synthesis of N-doped muti-cavity Sn/C composite and utilization to anode in lithium ion batteries,Materials Chemistry and PhysicsVol 260 (2021) 124199-124207
lKaixing Zhu, Yang Lv, et al, Explosive thermal exfoliation of intercalated graphitic carbon nitride for enhanced photocatalytic degradation properties,Ceramics Internationalvol45 issue3 (2019)3643-3647.
lKaixing Zhu, Yang Lv, et al, Facile fabrication of g-C3N4/SnO2 composites and ball milling treatment for enhanced photocatalytic performance,Journal of Alloys and Compounds802 (2019)13-18.
lKaixing Zhu, Yanyan Du, et al, Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4) Nanosheets/Graphene Composites:In SituSynthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 17, (, 2017) 2515–2519.
lKaixing Zhu, Alan Meng, et al, Influence of oxygen-containing groups on the photocatalytic properties of ZnO/graphene oxide composite,Materials Letters, 169, (2016)172–175.
lKaixing Zhu, Wenjun Wang, et al, Mechanically exfoliated g-C3N4thin nanosheets by ball milling as high performance photocatalysts,RSC Adv., 5, (2015) 56239-56242.
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